A Map of the Whole Place

 /                                                                         / 
 \          Camelot                                                        \
 /  Zodiac     |                                                           /
 \    \       Moor/Talon                                                   \
 /   Citadel*  |                                                           /
 \        ~----+-----~Old Church                                           \
 /   Sherwood  |                                                           /
 \       |     | Temple                                                    \
 /    Elven----+~                                                          /
 \   Forest    |                                                           \
 /             |-----. Treehouse          _________________________        /
 \             |      \                    T h e  R e a l m s  o f         \
 /             |     Sorcerer's                   S M i L E                /
 \             |       Tower              _________________________        \
 /             |                                                           /
 \            ( )                                                          \
 /            ( )                                                          /
 \           |###| Warm                                                    \
 /   !Ruins    |    Haven                                                  /
 \       |     |                                                           \
 /     _*Cliff |                                                           /
 \   /   Window|                                                           \
 /  |         `+                                                           /
 \  |Ice Cave*-+                                                       ___ \
 /  |          |                 Hick                         /~     /~    /
 \  |          |                  |                          /     /~      \
 /  |          | Oak*   Village   |                         /     /  Island/
 \  \ Orchold  | Tree    Church   |                       /~      \_       \
 /   \   ~-----+------------------------------------------Jetty     \      /
 \    \            |           Hospital   |     Hotel@   \                 \
 /     `-Frobozz---|                    Seadog             \               /
 \               Reset-Fantasy           Inn                \_             \
 /               Stone                                                     /
 \                 |                                                       \
 /         Chylon--+-Undead@                                  !=Spell Zone /
 \                 |                                          @=In prod.   \
 /                 ~---Ancient                                *=Newbie Zone/

A Map of the North

    __ ____________ _____________________  _____________________________
    /  U            V       Camelot       |/               ________      \
   /                           |        Barrows..         |Northern|  N   |
  |    Zodiac    New Village---|          |      `..      |SMiLE :)|W + E (
  |         \    __          Moors    Ruined        The   '--------'  S    )
  |        Dwarfen \          /       Church       Abyss    __/     ~     /
  |        Citidel  `--.     /         |                   /   ~   ___  ~ \
  |            Rivendell\   O Talon    |                  /       /   \_   )
   \      AirCastle   |  \  |----------|                 |       | Saxon\  |
    | Pensalon  | Sherwood--|          |                 |   ~    \_     | |
    |       |__/     |      |      Tree House             \__   ~   \___/  |
    |       |        | Chat |          |                     \__   ~       |
    |       Elven ___|___`Temple------------.---                \       ~  |
    |     --Forest          |               |                    |  ~      |
    |        /          The Valley       Castle--+-<>Krill       |     ~   |
    |   .  Caledonia        |              .      \          East \      ~ |
    |   . .                 |              .     Cathedral   Coast \ ~     |
    |   .        Newbie--Warm Haven    Ski Mountain?              _/  the  |
    |Nibelung               |               .                    /    sea ~|
    |   .           [To blizzard pass]      .        [To Jetty] /  ~       |

A Map of the South

  /           [To Warm Haven]       Ski                [To Valley] (      \
 |              Cliff |           Mountain      Pastures     `East  |     |
 |          ,--Window`|---Mithdan    /              |        Coast  |  ~  |
 |      Ruins      ,--|             /       Library-+-Prof.'s   \ _/      |
 |           IceCave  |       Snow /                |  Home    __/   ~    |
 | Nibelung        Blizzard--Temple     Farms       |        _/ ~       __|
 |        \  Heaven? Pass                 |  Opera  |       /     ~  __/  |
 |    Orcs'\          |  Mansion    Church|    |  Village  | the    /     <
 |          `Caves----+-----+-----,----+-------------------| sea   ( Isle |
 |                          |  Forest  |       `Inn        |        \_    |
 >   Yorrin        Chylon   |----------|        ,Scorch     \   ~     \__/|
 |                       `--|-_        `---Quarry        Cave)            |
 |                   __Reset|_ `Undead         |          of |     ~    ~ |
 |                  /  Stone| `\               |       Wonders\       ~   |
 |             Frobozz      |  Fantasy        Witches       __/           |
 |  ________              __|_______.              Town    /       ~      <
 > |Southern|  Undead    /  |       |                     (               |
 | |SMiLE :)|  Kingdom  / Sommer    |                      \           ~  |
 | '--------'     +----'   lund   Pyramids                  |    ~        |
 |           Minotaur               |---,                   (           ~ |
 |             City     Rainforest--+   Thyrannen           \  ~          |